Update 3/17/10

Both buy limits triggered today and I picked up another couple K of QTWW. 

Current Holdings

Symbol Security Entry Last Change Exit Plan
QTWW Stock 0.9179 0.6545 -0.2633 N/A
BCON Stock 0.44 0.4151 -0.0249 Stop 0.37
UAUA APR 25 CALL Option 0.18 0.18 0.00 N/A
UAUA APR 15 PUT Option 0.23 0.22 -0.01 N/A


Trades 3/17/10

The Dow inched near 10,700 again yesterday. If true to form, it should go down from here.  

The price of QTWW hit .68 twice today, and as I mentioned, there is a buy limit set on QTWW at 0.67 in order to lower the basis a bit more.   If that one executes, I will be setting another for .65

Where UAUA is going is anyone's guess, which is why I have options on both sides.  Once a direction is clear, one of those options will be dumped.   Let's hope it doesn't stagnate until mid April.  

I have seen no price movement on TS, AAPL, SSN or GA.  I am looking at shorting GSS if it goes near 4.00 and RDN if it nears 12.00 to 12.50 range.  

Current Holdings

Symbol Security Entry Last Change Exit Plan
QTWW Stock 1.02 0.7002 -0.3207 N/A
BCON Stock 0.44 0.41 -0.03 Stop 0.37
UAUA APR 25 CALL Option 0.18 0.22 +0.04 N/A
UAUA APR 15 PUT Option 0.23 0.18 -0.05 N/A

Trades 3/15/10

We are still hovering near the peak.  I am not saying that we won't go over the top, but the range has been 10,000 to 10,700 - we'll see.  The Fed meeting could throw things either way.

At open:

Current Holdings

Symbol Security Entry Last Change Exit Plan
QTWW Stock 1.02 0.768 -0.2529 N/A
BCON Stock 0.44 0.456 +0.016 Stop 0.37

BCON reported this morning and there is some volatility there.  My feeling is that it will be upward, if people actually read the report.

QTWW has asked for my vote by the 29th of March regarding officers and whether or not to increase available shares to 440 million.

I have been waiting for UAUA to make a move up (or down) since my last double options purchase.  It neared $20 this morning (which is where the call craze was about a month ago), so, I got both sides of the coin today.

Updated Holdings

Symbol Security Entry Last Change Exit Plan
QTWW Stock 1.02 0.7205 -0.3004 N/A
BCON Stock 0.44 0.43 -0.01 Stop 0.37
UAUA APR 25 CALL Option 0.18 0.18 0.00 N/A
UAUA APR 15 PUT Option 0.15 0.15 0.00 N/A

Trades 3/12/10

A flat day yesterday with a close to the positives. The dow 90 points from it's peak, that is to say, if it continues its pattern range,  10,000 -10,700 .

Watching for a gap down on BCON and will buy another chunk between .39 and .41

I have a GTC buy limit set on QTWW if it dips under .70 - but it doesn't look like the controlling entity is driving it down any further.  They have all but killed any volume whatsoever.  As a matter of fact, there was a 140,000 share spike at close, which could spell the end to this relentless downward trend.

Current Holdings

Symbol Security Entry Last Change Exit Plan
QTWW Stock 1.02 0.7685 -0.2270 N/A
BCON Stock 0.44 0.435 -0.005 Stop 0.37

I am watching C which rarely moves but a few cents per day - trading over 1 billion per day now. It could be worth a buy because it usually chooses a direction and stays with it.   I have been burned on that one before and it is more for long term.  I may consider a call, strike 5.00 if I can get it cheap enough. 

Trades 3/11/10

As I mentioned, I think we will drop a few hundred points in the next few days.  I was looking at UAUA options as the calls will be hitting their mark soon, but it never quite hit 20.00.   I opted to look at another small cap that I watch.

I set BCON to buy at .44 - which is a break out.   These stocks are not (so) influenced by large changes in the major indexes.  This one has been due for a while, so it should do well.  What worries me is if they make a public offering.   For that reason I will have a stop on it.

Current Holdings

Symbol Security Entry Last Change Exit Plan
QTWW Stock 1.02 0.7586 -0.2623 N/A
BCON Stock 0.44 0.44 +0.0 Stop .37

I also plan to buy more if it drops near day's end or gaps down in the morning tomorrow.  Also  note that BCON will have a conference call Monday before the open.   This could cause a fairly big move in price in either direction, but the sell stop will cover us to prevent any large scale losses.

Trades 3/10/10

Yesterday, as things peaked, I kept a sell-stop set .02 cents below the current price of SSN.  More than a doubled up, selling it for 0.57.   The stock historically doesn't go much over 0.60, though one time it ran up to 1.08 for a day or two. 

As I said, the Dow has been crawling up near 10,700 and falling - then repeating that cycle.  I am skeptical on buying into those hitting new 52 week highs.   

Current Holdings

Symbol Security Entry Last Change Exit Plan
QTWW Stock 1.02 0.75 -0.2709 N/A

I have QTWW set to buy a considerable chunk if it goes to 0.69

I am looking at UAUA put options for April, though they are somewhat expensive still.  


Trades 3/05/10

 The market has been in a vicious cycle for weeks now.  Huge falls and then it crawls back up nearing 10,700 (Dow).   I have been out of the market as many of the stocks I track are irratic at best.  

Today, QTWW is in free-fall - the sooner the better.  This stock has one major investor who buys 2 to 3 million shares at a time.  I know, because a single purchase on the L2 live list can only be one person or entity.  I have posted before that we need to watch for large volume spikes.  That is when the tide will turn.

In this 6 month view of QTWW, you will see that news J talked about their non-compliance and the stock ran up.  I patiently owned it then and will patiently own it when it runs again. 

Last year, QTWW stayed in the .65 to .75 range April though August.  This year that won't happen.  Nothing but good news is out and they have many new contracts, plus the Karma will be on the market within 6 months and they are sold out in pre-orders.


For the last few weeks, SSN has been gaining ground.  There are new projects and good news coming out every week.  Today: http://bit.ly/c918Xo

Current Holdings

Symbol Security Entry Last Change Exit Plan
QTWW Stock 1.02 0.7287 -0.2922 N/A
SSN Stock 0.276 0.4888 +0.2128 N/A