Trades 3/12/10

A flat day yesterday with a close to the positives. The dow 90 points from it's peak, that is to say, if it continues its pattern range,  10,000 -10,700 .

Watching for a gap down on BCON and will buy another chunk between .39 and .41

I have a GTC buy limit set on QTWW if it dips under .70 - but it doesn't look like the controlling entity is driving it down any further.  They have all but killed any volume whatsoever.  As a matter of fact, there was a 140,000 share spike at close, which could spell the end to this relentless downward trend.

Current Holdings

Symbol Security Entry Last Change Exit Plan
QTWW Stock 1.02 0.7685 -0.2270 N/A
BCON Stock 0.44 0.435 -0.005 Stop 0.37

I am watching C which rarely moves but a few cents per day - trading over 1 billion per day now. It could be worth a buy because it usually chooses a direction and stays with it.   I have been burned on that one before and it is more for long term.  I may consider a call, strike 5.00 if I can get it cheap enough. 


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